Tuesday, September 10, 2019



The eye continuously monitors the evenness of the yarn and also it removes thick and thin places in the yarn as well as double ends . It furnishes the following :
1. Static yarn signal - yarn stationary in measuring slot .
2. Dynamic yarn signal - Yarn travels through measuring slot
3. Thick place cat signal - Cleaner details thick place in yarn .
4. Double ends at signal - Clearer details a double end .

The computer furnishes the following information to the clearer
1. Winding speed - Enabling thick and thin places .
Zerotuning - Self tuning prior to earning with empty measuring slot the cat and clamping devices is initiated by cam foes the cams of the upper cam package control .


Picks up the upper end from the delivery package .

suction stop :

The suction arm stop series to keep the distance between suction arm mouth and the delivery package uniform through out the packages rise .

Suction value :

 It controls the suction intensity by FO3 cam .

Suction pipe :

The lower yarn end is picked up and brought towards the splicer head by suction pipe. The lower ends in haled by the s.pipe as soon as all opening motions( pre-cleaner, yarn tensioner, cut and clamped, waxing ) have taken place. It is by FU1 cam .

suction pipe value :

Sub pressure in the s pipe value is controlled by s.pipe alue . it is by Fu2 cam . 

splicing motion :-

   the upper end slides into the area of threading hook and inlet shear halves of the open shears. the hook pulls the upper end to the bottom of the prism and in to the upper yarn clam. The end is guided by guide bow and guide plate.  the lower end pivots by suction pipe and into the lower open yarn clamp and in between upper yarn shear  halves then guide plates and guide bow. the pivoted lower end is  pulled to the bottom of prism. yarn clamps close the fixing lower and upper end. The opening valve releases a blast of compressed air for opening of ends. The yarn shears begin their closing motion .feeder and prism begin their motion right. Shears cut their lower end and upper end. suction arm  and suction pipe evacuates the surplus ends. Retainer tubes inhale upper and lower ends for splicing. Feeder and prism gate complete their motioned eeder pulls the ends of the yarn out of retainer tubes. Feeder pulled  out complete yarn ends from retainer tubes consequently these two ends are in prism parallel with each other. The opening valve closes shutting of air pressure in the retaing tubes. The splice valve issues an air blast in to the prism briefly closes and again  the two blasts whirl the yarn ends in to each other .

Thus forming splice joint. The feeder and prism goes back to its neutral position. suction pipe begins its down stroke to neutral position . All components have returned to neutral position. The winding drum starts and the spliced yarn releases the threading hook.              

AUTO DOFFER;   It contains 6 motors
                 1.For tail ends
                 2.For package lifter
                 3.For package rotation
                 4.For blower
                 5.For traveling
                 6.For finger assembly

                  MIC SYSTEM

Definition :

       The monitoring information control system, called  MIC system, is located in the upper portion of the  autoconers energy unit. This  system administers ,  and memorizes  all operation and production data  required  for the  operation of autoconer - 238.

The MIC system handles  the data exchange  with  individual machine components
- winding unit  with winding unit computer
- automatic package doffer
- yarn waste chamber
- yarn clearer
- bobbin preparation device or model “D”

communication between user  and MIC system  takes place in dialog fashion. Entries by the user are made on a key board.
Information  out put is made  via  a 20 digit  fluorescent  display  and a 32 digit printer .

MIC system purpose :

Data monitored by the  individual winding unit’s computer ( clearer cuts ,nominal yarn length per package  etc..) are routinely  transmitted to the MIC system, where the data is  processed and stored  for out put.(in case of power failure  the MIC system keeps  all data in memory  for the duration of  2 weeks  minimum.

Key board :
     These keys facilitate  communication between  user and MIC system , called operating dialog. Dialog  means  that the user receives  an answer from  the system  in replay to each one of his entries, enabling him to double check his entry  and determine whether  or  not it has been under stood correctly by the MIC system. Structured 7 blocks headed  by capital  letters A to G . the dialogs are

A - lot parameters
B - quality standards
C - lot control
D - report print out
E - production data
F - machine parameters
G - service functions

Group Memory ( For A Production Group) :

Store a lots parameters  and actual data accumulated during  production is stored  in these memories. The MIC  system provides  6 group memories , numbered G1 ...... G6. After entry of machine  specifications  at initial start up, the MIC system automatically reserves  as  many group memories  as  machine sections  with different  specifications  are present (i.e. type of yarn drum, yarn joining system.)any group memory  may be  in one of the following  states
F - vacant, no allocation, memory is available for  programming       (G4....G6)
D - defined ready for production G3
  - allocation to machine sections is defined
  - production parameters are  specified
  - alternations are possible
P - group is producing only in accordance with  production              parameters (G1).
L - lot change state(G2).

Machine start up :

   Each time the  m/c  is switched  ‘on’ the MIC system  receives a signal  machine  stand by. The proceeds to start, one by one, the winding units of each function .

LOT parameters :

A1 - set up of production groups
A2 - lot name ( max. 8 digits)
A3 - lot number (code between 1 to 999)
A4 - package doffing cycle to end of lot (entry range 0 to 32767 delivery packages )
A5 - yarn count / no of plies
A6 - linear winding speed ( entry range 500 to 1800 mpm)
A7 - nominal package diameter ( 40 to 326 mm)
A8 - nominal yarn length per package ( entry range 0 to 50000 mtrs)
A9 - length correction factor - ( entry range 0.500 to 1.500 in increments of 0.001 )

L corr (new) = Lcorr (old) *   nominal length
                                              actual length

A10 - ribbon breaker type 1
A11 - ribbon breaker type 2
A12 - loop gate
A13 - repeater cycles to red light ( entry range 0 to 7)
A14 - acceleration characteristics ( 2 to 63)
A15 - splicer duration of  opening blast  ( 0 to 7)
entry    duration
0                      off
1                       200 ms
2                      200ms
3                      300 ms
4                      400 ms
5                      500 ms
6                      600 ms
7                      700 ms
A16 - splicer : splicing blast code ( entry code 0 to 9)
entry  code numbers for 
pulse 1
pulse (dwell)
pulse 2
 entry               duration
  0                                off
  1                                 20 ms
  2                                40 ms
  3                                60 ms
  4                                80 ms
  5                                100 ms
  6                                120 ms
  7                                140 ms
  8                                160 ms
  9                                180 ms

The total from all three values  entered  must not exceeded  22 ( 440ms)

A17 - thermo splicer
A18 - vacant winding units  in section L
A19 - yarn length per bobbin (o to 19999 mtr)
A20 - auto speed


B1 - max. Yarn length ( 1 to 500000)
B2 - min. Yarn length
B3 - activation / deactivation
note : the dialogs  B1 to B3  emerge when  winding for uniform  dia of  all packages, i.e. valid entry was  made in dialog A7 and  ‘O’ was  entered in dialog A8.
Package diameter: the following dialogs  B1 to B3 emerge   when winding for uniform  yarn length  on all packages, i.e. valid enry was made in entry A8, and ‘0’ was  entered in A7.

Clearer cuts :

B4 - nominal rate of clearer cuts (0 to 99.9)
B5 - max. rate of Clearer  cuts ( 80 to 200)
max. Clearer cuts = value B4 * 1 + value B5
B6 - minimum rate of clearer cuts ( 40 to 99)
min.  Clearer cuts = value B4 *  1 - value B6
                                                                                    100 %
B7 - activation/ deactivation.


The following reports print out  are  provided
1. Shift reports
2. Lot change reports
3. Repeated shift reports
4. Repeated lot change reports
5. Intermediate reports
6. Service reports
7. Optional spontaneous messages
8.  Compulsory spontaneous messages
9. Configuration  reports

The work block include :

block A : lot parameters of the  production group
block B : production data of the  production group
block C : OFF standard  data of  the production group
block D : data from the bobbin device
block E : failure messages
block F : quality statistics of production group
block G : test reports of from winding units programmed via entries D9 and D 10.

The following not relevant to all reports print - out :

print - outs are  produced only for  production groups  in mode P  for producing  or in mode L for lot change.
Exception :the configuration  report can be  issued for  production groups  in mode  F = vacant , or D= defined

Reports print - out :

D1 - intermediate reportD2 - repetition of the shift reportD3 - repetition of lot change reportD4 - test reportD5 -configurationreportD6 - abortion of  report print out in progressD7 -print out formatting
D8 - spontaneous report
D9 - range of  ending units for the test reports  in automatic  .

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