Saturday, August 24, 2019


                       TROUBLE SHOOTING
1.   FAULT  :  LIcker-in under case removing too many good
     CAUSE  :  a. licker-in under case screen set too wide from
               the licker-in.
               b. Dull or incorrect type of taker-in wire
               c. Incorrect mote knife extension
     REMEDY :  a. See APPENDIX a for correct setting and reset
               b. Renew wire

2.   FAULT  :  licker-in under screen not removing enough trash
     CAUSE  :  a. Taker in under screen set too close to takerin
               b. Feed plate set too far from taker in roller
               c. Incorrect mote knife extension
     REMEDY :  a & b. See APPENDIX a for correct setting and
               c. Fit shorter extension
3.   FAULT  :  Excessive short/white fibres under taker in screen
     CAUSE  :  Incorrect knife setting
     REMEDY :  Check the trash knife/trash extractor setting.(See
               APPENDIX reduce setting if it necessary)     
4.   FAULT  :  Disappearing  web
     CAUSE  :  a. Under screen set too far from cylinder
               b. Dull or damaged doffer wire
               c. Dull or damaged stripping roller wire
     REMEDY :  a. See APPENDIX a for correct setting and reset.
               b & c. Grinding or replace the wire.
5.   FAULT  :  Web sticking to crush rollers
     CAUSE  :  a. Worn out or damaged scraper blade
               b. Insufficient tension on scraper blade springs
               c. Insufficient draft between crush roller and
                  calender roller.
               d. Crush pressure is too high.
               e. Relative humidity too high.
               f. Too many cotton seed particles
               g. Honey due aphis excrement in web.
     REMEDY :  a. Preventive action to be  taken
               b. Increase tension
               c. Set draft at high (material can accept)
               d. Reduce pressure.
               e. Relative humidity should be less than 48% with
                  dry bulb temperature 21c-26c (70F-80F) during
                  cotton processing.
               f. Clean edges of scraper blades frequently with
                  solvent to reduce RH%  
               g. Reduce or remove crushing action.(open crushing
                  roller setting for synthetic)
6.   FAULT  :  Excessive blow out at cylinder ends
     CAUSE  :  a. Incorrectly set under screen
               b. Lap too wide
               c. Card cylinder blades incorrectly set.
                  (particularly low front plate)   
               d. Dull cylinder wire
     REMEDY :  a. See APPENDIX a for correct setting and reset.
               b. Ensure lap width does not exceed 965 mm
               c. Correct settings and reset
               d. Grind and burnish the wire or renew if damage.
7.   FAULT  :  High nep count
     CAUSE  :  a. Incorrect setting of cylinder to flats,
                  cylinder to taker-in.  Especially revolving
                  flats post carding elements.
               b. Dull cylinder wire
               c. Dull or damaged flats
               d. Dull or damaged taker-in roller wire
               e. Web too thick (heavy)
               f. Extraneous matter, such as broken seed adhering
                  to the wires.
               g. Dirt wire surfaces, especially the cylinder
               h. Loaded cylinder
               i. Hooked wire
     REMEDY :  a. Check all setting in APPENDIX (Most important
                  flats setting)
               b. Strip, grind and brush as required.  The
                  sharpness of the doffer wire is as important as
                  the sharpness of cylinder wire.   
               c. Replace with new wire tops
               d. Taker-in wire must me sharp.  Clean free from
                  burrs and show no tendency to retain fibres in
                  the form of bands.  Such loading will
                  inevilable lead to strips of nep in the web,
                  must be rewired if dull or damaged.
               e. Check the web weight
               f. Brush or strip the wire.
               g. Brush or strip the wire.
               h. Check all setting and if the cotton is of low
                  grade.  Check wire specification is correct
                  (consult m/c makers for advice)
               i. Fibres will be retained on the metallic  wire
                  and loading, will result stripping, brushing or
                  grinding as required.

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