Saturday, August 24, 2019




     Make                :    Lakshmi Rieter
     Model               :    E 2/4a
     Ends up             :    Normally 24 ends up possible
     Count of sliver fed :    Ne 0.12 to 0.18
     Can dimensions      :    16" to 24" (400 to 600 mm) upto
                              50" (1250 mm) height
     Weight fed          :    75 to 120 gms/mtr
     Draft               :    1.5 to 2.0
     Lap width           :    250 mm in case of Ribbon Lap 
                              feeding lap
     Lap weight          :    up to 130 kg
     Working speed       :    up to 65 mtr/min
     Drafting system     :    4 over 6 pneumatic (DK2 model)

     Auto lap            :    1440 kg
     Drafting system     :    490  kg
     Table               :    240  kg
     Total weight        :    2170 kg             

     Pressure            :    6 ata
     Quantity            :    1 Nm3/Hr

     Motor               :    4 HP
     Speed               :    1440 rpm
     Frequency           :    50 Hz
     Supply Current      :    440 v
     Control circuit     :    220 v
     Stop motions        :    6 volts


          Delivery wt * Delivery speed * 60 min
     Del wt    :    Grams/mtr
     Del Speed :    Meter/minute
     1000      :    Grams to kilo grams conversion

DRAFTING ARRANGEMENT :   The sliver lap E 2/4a is provided with
DK2 drafting system.  This comprises two double nip assemblies of
2 bottom rollers each topped by rubber rollers, remain 2 bottom
rollers each topped by steel straight fluted rollers.
(In 4/6 drafting system)
The fluted roller pair have the advantage that they hold securely
even the large fibre mass.  However the delivery rate of the
roller pair is as much as 20% higher than that calculated on the
roller diameter and this factor must be taken into consideration
in draft calculation.

TOP ROLLER WEIGHTING:    The drafting arrangement is
pneumatically weighed.  A tube running under the drafting
arrangement on each side contains flexible hose, which has an
internal over pressure and forces a row of pressure shoes down
within the range of weighing hook.  This takes pressure from the
shoes and transmits it over a draw bolt to the top rollers. 
The compressed air to the drafting system is obtained from the
compressor pipe line through a pressure regulator.  The three way
valve helps to cut-off the pressure in drafting system.  It
permits weighting  and relieve immediately wihout affecting the
pressure setting.

WEIGHT ADJUSTMENT :  Adjust the nuts on the draw hooks to the
distance of 8 mm as shown in figure with out any stock in
drafting arrangement, but with normal pressure in the hose.
The level adjustment need be carried out only for erection and
after each grinding of top rollers, but not roller setting in the
drafting arrangement.

     In put sliver weight | noof slivers  * sliver weight  
                           In put in gms/mtr
     Total draft    :   --------------------------
                           Out put in gms/mtr
TOTAL DRAFT AND BREAK DRAFT :  When the total draft is greater
than `1.5', the break draft should be kept as 1.3.  In this case
45 T gear is to be fixed on the roller `4' and 46 T gear on the
roller `6'.

In special cases if a lesser break draft is required it is
possible to obtain.  For example a break draft of 1.22 can be
obtained by fixing 48 T wheel on the roller 4 and 1.15 by fixing
51 T wheel on the roller 4.

When the total draft is less than 1.5 a break draft of 1.05 is
recommended.  In this case 50 T gear is fixed on the roller 4 and
37 T gear on the roller 6.
ROLLER SETTING :   The setting of drafting arrangement with
respect to roller distance and pressure can be determined from
the following table.  The value `a' is equal to the 5% staple,
obtained from staple diagram.
           |               |               |          |
           |               |  (mm)         |  (ata)   | (kg/cm3)
           |               |               |          |      
     55    |    a +5       |    a +8       |   1.6    |   2.5
     60    |    a +6       |    a +11      |   2.0    |   3.1
     65    |    a +6       |    a +12      |   2.2    |   3.4
     70    |    a +7       |    a +14      |   2.4    |   3.7
           |               |               |          | 

NOTE :  Prior to roller setting, relieve  the drafting
arrangement.  Before reweighing make sure that draw hooks hang
       60 |
       50 |
       40 |                                        
       30 |
       20 |
       10 |
          |    10   20   30   40   50   60   70   80   90   100
At the 5% level drawn a vertical line and its intersection point
with the curve drawn horizontal line which cut the Y axis.  The
point gives values of which are given in above table.

     Fibre length                  :    45 mm
     5% staple                     :    34 mm
     Lap weight                    :    60 gm/mtr
     setting between the rollers   :    Main zone
     5% staple + 6 mm              :    34 + 6 = 40 mm
     Setting between the rollers   :    Break draft zone
     5% staple + 11 mm             :    34 + 11 = 45 mm

After referring the staple diagram, the above distance are set
with little correction.

NOTE :  The best method is to reduce the draft until a slight
pile-up of the fibres occur.  Based on this measure, increase the
draft by one tooth of change gear.


In sliver lap machine the motor drives the main shaft via a `V'
belt and other chain drives.  The front bottom calender driven by
a short chain and long chain drives lap rollers.
Always chain drives work a minimum of backlash.  If the chain is
too loose cuts will occur in the web, when each time the machine

LAP SPOOLS :   The lap spool must conform to our drawing,
especially the length and bore tolerance should be strictly. 

CALENDER ROLLER ARRANGEMENT :  The two top calender rollers
arranged one behind the other, are spring loaded.  To give a
measure for the weighting, the bolt of spring is provided three
                              Total load weight on both sides
     Notch 1   :    12 kg               24 kg
     Notch 2   :    16 kg               32 kg
     Notch 3   :    20 kg               40 kg

     Spool out dia       :    145 mm
     Spool length        :    250 mm
     Front lap roller    :    250 mm length
     Back  lap roller    :    248 mm length

SETTING THE BREAK :  As soon as the preselected  length (1 mtr)
less than the delivery length is obtained the break.  This
operated S8 for which air supplied by means of special regulator
with mono meter (after necessary reduction in pressure)

TABLE GUIDES :  The guides knobs are adjusted in way to approach
the slivers to their neighbours tightly without running over each
other or pressing the slivers in the center upwards.

CONTACT TOP ROLLERS :   The rust proof contact top rollers will
become coated with thin layer of cotton wax.  This has to be set
removed with the solvent, otherwise the layer will be so thick as
to delay the action of electric stop motion.

FUNCTION :   When the lap heads drop, the air supply line (6) is
blocked by piston (5) and the lap heads are retarded by cushion.

LAP LOADING :  The two tables below show the air pressure to be
used.  On no account more than 5 kg/cm2 is to be adjusted.

LAP WIDTH 250 mm :                                              
       kg/cm2         |     kg/cm2     |  OF LAP DISC ON SPOOL kg
                      |                |
          3.0         |       16.5     |          150
          3.5         |       19.3     |          176
          4.0         |       22.0     |          201
          4.5         |       24.8     |          226
          5.0         |       27.6     |          251           

LAP WIDTH 300 mm :                                              
       kg/cm2         |     kg/cm2     |  OF LAP DISC ON SPOOL kg
                      |                |
          3.0         |       13.8     |          150
          3.5         |       16.0     |          176
          4.0         |       18.4     |          201
          4.5         |       20.7     |          226
          5.0         |       23.0     |          251           


Magazine settings:
1.   Clearance at rear from spool centering wall is 1 mm.  This
     setting controls the spools come freely from spool magazine
     to lap disc.
2.   Clearance at delivery side from spool to centering wall 5 mm
     This setting control the spool damage, and also good winding
     on the spool.
Lap discs :
1.   Insert rings or bearing cover clearance should maintain
     0.5 mm (setting inside lap disc piston)
2.   Setting between lap disc to lap roller with spool position
     1 mm should be maintained.  This control lap edge position.
     This setting is to adjusted by means of ;distance rings
     provided inner side of lap disc chamber.           

Lap spool (Tolerance) :  The diameter of the lap spool must not
differ by more than 1.0 mm. The cloth should over lap 10 to 20
Both spool and cloth should coated with high grade neoprene
adhesive such as Balco me.

AIR PASSAGE :  The pressing cylinder (10) and guide head (9) are
connected pneumatically by tubes (8) & (11).
The upper chamber (4) of the pressing cylinder (10) communicates
with the outer chamber (2) of the guide head (9) via the tube
(11).  The lower chamber (3) of the pressing cylinder (10)
communicates with inner chamber (1) of the guide head (9) via the
WINDING ON (Lap loading or running time) Figure.5 :
     Chamber (4) and (2) obtained compressed air via valve S3
RELIEVING THE LAP : To serve the lap valve S3 closes and the air
escapes from chamber (4) and (2).  Chamber (3) and (1) receive
compressed air via valve S2.  The pressing pistons (5) stroke-up
and lap discs open.

NON RETURN VALVE (Figure.6) :   A non return valve (7) is fitten
in the air line S2 before the two pressing cylinders (3), to
ensure that the lap heads drop very slowly in lower range.

     CHANGE PLACE      |            EFFECTS                     
Motor Pulley           | It alters delivery speed and also  
                       | effects in all speeds
Calender roll & Shell  |   These wheels alters only shell roller
roll sprocket wheels   |      speed
 Calender roll wheel   | 24 T & 25 T wheels only possible 
 Back shell roll wheel | 76 T wheel is only possible
 Front lap roll        | 77,78,79 but normally 78 T preferred
Number wheel (Wn)      | This wheel alters the 4th roll speed
                       | (Alter it when you required high break
                       |  draft )(54 to 65 available)  
     Less no of teeth  | Higher break draft
     More no of teeth  | Lower break draft
Feed change wheel (We) | It alters the steel roll and creel rolls
                       | speed.  It effects tension draft also.
     Less no of teeth  | Higher feed rate
     More no of teeth  | Lower feed rate
Driving wheel (Wa)     | It alters all drafting rollers speed,
                       | except calender roller speed.
     Less no of teeth  | Lower draft between cal to front roll
     More no of teeth  | Higher draft between cal to front roll
Mating gear (Z)        | It alters back roller speed in drafting
                       | system except front roll.
     Less no of teeth  | Higher main draft
     More no of teeth  | Lower main draft
Driving wheels for     | It alters delivery rate.  Alters only
front roll (17,18,19)  | draft between front roll to cal roll.
Break draft change     | It alters the 6th roll speed (45 to 48)
gear                   | Another wheel at end of the 6th roll
                       | alters the break draft.

     Motor speed         :    1420 rpm
     Motor pulley        :    190 mm
     M/c pulley          :    450 MM

                         1420 * 190 * 17 * 24
1. Shell roll speed  : ------------------------ = 54.6 rpm
                             450 * 59 * 76
                         54.6 * 410 * 3.142      
2. Delivery rate     : ------------------------  = 70.34 mtr/min

                            1420 * 190 * 17
3. Calender roll speed : ----------------------  = 172.75 rpm
                                450 * 59

                           1420 * 190 * 17 * 55
4. Front roll speed : --------------------------- = 527.85 rpm
                              450 * 59 * 18                     

                               527.85 * 50 * 30 * 24
5. 2nd & 3rd roll speed  :  --------------------------  = 779 rpm
                                   53 * 23 * 20

                         527.85 * 50
6. 4th roll speed  : ------------------ = 498 rpm

                              527.85 * 50 * 51
7. 5th & 6th rolls speed : ----------------------  =  590.6 rpm
                                  53 * 43

                                  527.85 * 50 * 51          
8. Feed & creel roll speed : ------------------------ = 546 rpm
                                      53 * 52

                            54.6 * 410
1. Calender roll draft : ---------------  = 1.01
                           172.74 * 128
     (Shell roll to calender roll draft)

                    527.85 * 35 * 1.2 (Factor)
2. Main draft  :  ------------------------------ = 1.05
                          779.0 * 27
     (Front roll to 2nd roll draft)

                          172.75 * 128
3. Delivery draft : ----------------------------  = 1.0
                     527.8 * 35 * 1.2 (Factor)
     (Calender roll to front roll draft)

                            779 * 27
4. Tension draft  : ------------------------- = 1.0
                     498 * 35 * 1.2 (factor)
     (3rd roll to 4th roll draft)

                    498 * 35 * 1.2 (Factor)
5. Break draft  :  -------------------------  = 1.3
                        590.6 * 27
     (4th roll to 5th roll draft )

                    590.6 * 27 
6. Feed draft  :  --------------- =  0.9
                    546 * 32

     (6th roll to feed roller draft )

                    546 * 32
7. Creel draft  : ------------ =  1.0
                    546 * 32
     (Feed roll to calender roll draft)

NOTE :  In all above calculations 1.2 has taken as constant
        1.2 means 20% excess dia will be taken that particular
        roller in that calculation.


1.   FAULT     :  Outer layers are wound soft (loose)
     CAUSE     :  Lap rollers are running too slowly
     REMEDY    :  Use smaller front lap roller sprocket or large
                  calender roll change gear,
2.   FAULT     :  Lap sheds hairs
     CAUSE     :  Air condition (RH%)
     REMEDY    :  Keep temperature at 23 - 25 C (RH% 50 - 60 %)
3.   FAULT     :  Lap shows `cuts'
     CAUSE     :  Not enough loading on drafting arrangement.
     REMEDY    :  Check the load of drafting arrangement
4.   FAULT     :  Ribbon is drawn down between lap roller and
                  lap discs  
     CAUSE     :  Ribbon guide set too wide
     REMEDY    :  Set the ribbon guides closer.
6.   FAULT     :  Ribbon has excessively thick edges
     CAUSE     :  Unsatisfactory sliver guide on the table
     REMEDY    :  Set guide pins properly on the table
7.   FAULT     :  Ribbon emerges  wavy from drafting arrangement
     CAUSE     :  a. Incorrect draft    
                  b. Drafting arrangement set too close
     REMEDY    :  a. Correct draft with delivery change gear,
                     check load of drafting arrangement.
                  b. Set wider
8.   FAULT     :  Ribbon is cloudy & wavy length wise strips
     CAUSE     :  a. Pressure on drafting arrangement too low
                  b. Drafting arrangement set too wider
                  c. Sliver running each other on the table
     REMEDY    :  a. Raise the pressure
                  b. Set closer
                  c. Move eccentric guide pins on the table or
                     reduce no of slivers.  


1.   FAULT     :  Guide head works sluggishly
     CAUSE     :  a. Fine filter clogged         
                  b. Rubber seal is dry
     REMEDY    :  a. Clean the fine filter
                  b. Increase the micro fog lubrication rate. 
                     Raise and lower lap discs about 20 times,
                     then reset lubrication back to normal
2.   FAULT     :  Lap spool not seized properly by lap discs
     CAUSE     :  Spool magazine has been moved
     REMEDY    :  Adjust spool magazine setting according to
3.   FAULT     :  Pressure hook drawn in to drafting arrangement
     CAUSE     :  Electrical stopmotion not working on account of
                  lap up
     REMEDY    :  Re-adjust contact pins and plates in cover of
                  drafting arrangement.
4.   FAULT     :  Bad start when winding time
     CAUSE     :  a. Spool is not properly pressed lap rollers
                     (Piston restricted by dirt)
                  b. No cloth on the spool  
     REMEDY    :  a. Clean
                  b. Stick cloth  on 
5.   FAULT     :  Lap disc catching
     CAUSE     :  Too little clearance
     REMEDY    :  Check settings
6.   FAULT     :  Lap drops out slant wise
     CAUSE     :  Bearings are journals defective, unequal
                  piston strokes.
     REMEDY    :  Overhaul the cylinder


1.   FAULT     :  Stopmotion for sliver breakage not quite
     CAUSE     :  a. Contact rollers coated with layer of cotton
                  b. Contact to contact rollers hazardous
                     owing to greasy brush.
     FAULT     :  a. Remove the layer with solvent
                     (petrol or kerosene)
                  b. Clean the contact brush

     FAULT     :  Stopmotion for sliver breakage not function
     CAUSE     :  a. Associated lamp is loose or defective
                  b. Shunt is defect
     REMEDY    :  a. Tighten or replace the lamp
                  b. Replace the resister
3.   FAULT     :  Stopmotion for wrapping on delivery or contact
                  roller are not functioning
     CAUSE     :  Lamp is loose or defective shunt
     REMEDY    :  Tighten or replace the lamp
                  Replace the resister            
4.   FAULT     :  M/c suddenly stops
     CAUSE     :  Contact over delay or calender rollers set
                  too close
     REMEDY    :  Increase the contact distance


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